function Vector(x, y, angle, mag){ this.x = x || 0; this.y = y || 0; this.angle = (angle % 360) || 0; this.mag = mag || 1; //debug function - not to be used in regular operation = function(){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x, this.y); ctx.lineTo(Math.cos(this.angle*2*Math.PI/180) * this.mag, Math.sin(this.angle*2*Math.PI/180) * this.mag); ctx.lineWidth = 3; ctx.strokeStyle = '#2BD1FF'; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.25; ctx.stroke(); ctx.globalAlpha = 1; } this.setX = function(x){ this.x = x; } this.setY = function(y){ this.y = y; } this.setAngle = function(a){ this.angle = (a % 360); } this.addAngle = function(a){ this.angle = (this.angle + a) % 360 } this.mult = function(s){ this.mag = this.mag * s; } this.subMag = function(v){ this.mag = this.mag - v.getMag(); } this.norm = function(){ this.mag = 1; } this.add = function(v){ var xComponent = Math.cos(this.angle*2*Math.PI/180) * this.mag; var yComponent = Math.sin(this.angle*2*Math.PI/180) * this.mag; var vxComponent = Math.cos(v.angle*2*Math.PI/180) * v.getMag(); var vyComponent = Math.sin(v.angle*2*Math.PI/180) * v.getMag(); var newX = xComponent + vxComponent; var newY = yComponent + vyComponent; this.angle = Math.atan((newY/newX) * 180 / (2*Math.PI)); this.mag = Math.sqrt(xComponent*xComponent + yComponent*yComponent); } this.getMagSqr = function(){ var xComponent = Math.cos(this.angle*2*Math.PI/180) * this.mag; var yComponent = Math.sin(this.angle*2*Math.PI/180) * this.mag; return xComponent*xComponent + yComponent*yComponent; } = function(v){ return (v.x*this.x + v.y*this.y); } }