function Ngon(v1, v2){; var vertex1Set = false; var vertex2Set = false; this.vertex1 = v1 || {}; this.vertex2 = v2 || {}; this.sides = new Array(); this.numSides = 5; this.offset = 0; if (v1) { this.vertex1Set = true; this.vertex1.addParent(this); } if (v2) { this.vertex2Set = true; this.vertex2.addParent(this); } = function(){ //if(scrollup) { this.numSides++; } //if(scrolldown && this.numSides > 3) { this.numSides--; } if (this.vertex1Set && this.vertex2Set) { //have to recalculate if the offset is different var newOff = Math.atan2(this.vertex2.x - this.vertex1.x, this.vertex2.y - this.vertex1.y); if (this.offset != newOff) { this.offset = newOff; this.generatePoints(this.vertex1.x, this.vertex1.y, this.numSides, this.vertex1.dist(new Vector(this.vertex2.x, this.vertex2.y)), this.offset); } if (this.vertex1.selected && this.vertex2.selected){ } else if (this.hovering) { } for (var i=0; i0) { v2 = this.sides[i-1].vertex1; } else { v2 = this.vertex2; } var l = new Line(v1, v2); l.addParent(this); this.sides.push(l); } } for (var i=this.sides.length-1; i>sides; i--) { this.sides[i].delete(); this.sides.splice(i,1); } if(!this.sides[sides]){ var l = new Line(this.sides[sides-1].vertex1, this.vertex2); l.addParent(this); this.sides.push(l); } } this.hover = function(){ this.hovering = true; for (var i=0; i